Just Write It Down

I was on one of my trips to Beirut and found myself going through my things and came across a “cahier de poésie” from grade two. It’s those notebooks where you write the poem on the left and illustrated it with a drawing on the right. I was reading through it and trying to remember... Continue Reading →

My Favorite Person

Now who could it be? Is it one of my sisters? One of my parents? Can you imagine me announcing here in my bubble that Karine was my favorite over Lea or the opposite? The amount of love this person has to give is just insane - I guess I have a little of that... Continue Reading →

The Talent I Wish I Had

Did you ever wish you could master something and couldn't? Be a master at something and just do it and not care? I can think of a few but the one talent that I wish I had was a voice like Beyoncé - obviously. No, I'm serious, not for the fame or anything but I... Continue Reading →

Beirut, Tell Me More

I guess it isn’t a surprise that the first "everywhere" post is about Beirut. I don’t believe I need to convince you why I love it, because chances are you love it too and in case you haven’t been, well, I’m pretty sure you will. Beirut is such a vibrant beautiful city full of life.... Continue Reading →

Love The Hugs

If you know me, you know I love hugs. Anything that hugs, people, beds and pandas. I have a feeling I will have stories about hugs quite often so here is one that happened recently. Been working in the same company for three and a half years and you know, there are some people who... Continue Reading →

The Honor Was Mine

Last year, a friend asked me to attend her wedding and help her with the photography. It wasn’t really a wedding, but more like a celebratory dinner for family and close friends – 50 people max. It was a last minute thing for her and she was looking for a photographer before she settled on... Continue Reading →

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